Issues of the Fishing Industry Gathered for the 22nd National Tuna Congress Resolutions


The past two years have been evidently difficult for the Philippine Tuna Fishing Industry. Even to date, the sector is still trying to recover from the devastating effects of the COVID – 19 pandemic that had resulted in a drastic drop in seafood prices and global demand at the onset.

Gathering the insights on the current issues and challenges of each sector, a series of Focus Group Discussions were conducted as early as February 24, 2022 with the purse seine and ringnet operators, handliners, fresh frozen processors, canneries, katsuboshi manufacturers, academe, government, and non- government agencies providing a venue to openly discuss and hear the plight of the industry.  

Based on the FGDs and research, resolutions are now being drafted in preparation for the National Tuna Congress (NTC). For the past 21 years, the NTC had been passing and adopting Congress Resolutions that key industry stakeholders jointly formulated  to urge concerned agencies to take action on timely and relevant issues concerning the industry.

This year, aligned with the 22nd National Tuna Congress Theme, “Philippine Tuna Industry: Braving through Rough Seas Toward a Better Tomorrow”, this year’s resolutions reflect each sector’s concerns and challenges they have encountered over the past two years and yet still kept going to ensure livelihood and food security to the community.

The 22nd National Tuna Congress Resolution Committee members are composed of representatives from the private sector, academe, government agencies, non-government agencies, and other allied industries to guarantee well representation and capture the key issues of the industry.

The congress is slated on September 1-2, 2022 at the SM City General Santos, General Santos City.

The resolutions will be presented during the Congress Closing Ceremonies and will be turned over to the proper government agencies and partners, thereafter. 

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SFFAII.COM: Issues of the Fishing Industry Gathered for the 22nd National Tuna Congress Resolutions
Issues of the Fishing Industry Gathered for the 22nd National Tuna Congress Resolutions
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